Saturday, January 23, 2010

A warm welcome to all my Work at Homers!

Hello Everyone! I am glad to see that you are visiting our Blog! We are very excited about on venture into the Work at Home world and even happier to have you join us.

In our up coming posts, we plan to discuss some of the most important, yet difficult things in Working from Home, Finding a job we like, making the money we need and of course, juggling the family and work at the same time.

We know more than anyone that it is not easy to find that perfect job, earn the money you need to survive and juggle home life with work life. Especially when your work life and home life are in the same building!!

We have some great tips and suggestions that will help relieve some of this stress and make things a little easier. After all, working from home shouldn't be so hard right?

Please follow our "Home Page" on Mommy's Work for dates of our next "Job Skills Program". This 4 week course is amazing!! It is loaded with tons of valuable information and documents that will surely increase your knowledge and experience in the virtual working world. It is strictly designed for Work at Homers!

We have a course coming up in February, so don't miss out on it. Each agent that completes this course will  receive a professional reference from us!! Now, we all know how important it is to have professional, not personal, references when applying for jobs from home. It is also important to have a lot of experience. This course will provide you with that and at the end, you will receive a document showing what you studied and learned and a reference from us! You can add "Mommy's Work Shop" to your list of professional references.

In another up coming post, we will discuss the traditional jobs that are posted on most of the work at home boards and why ours are different. This is extremely important because as work at homers, we dedicate a lot of time searching those newly posted jobs everyday. The question is this, "Are those newly posted jobs updated, screened, scam free?" Are they even new jobs????

We have a feeling that those jobs are not filtered or screened and most of them are not even new jobs. New jobs should not be the same job week after week.

Follow our website for the newest, updated, screened and scam free weekly jobs. Also, check in here next week for our discussion on why our newly weekly posted jobs are worth applying for and the others man not be.

I look forward to working with all of you and helping you all be better Work at Homers! We are here as a resource to your Work at Home needs and goals, USE US!!!